Monday 28 January 2013

Preston University fraud/scam

Preston University fraud/scamUnderstanding the importance of tertiary education is important for the growth of any nation. Tertiary education plays a vital role in determining the success of any country. There are many incentives and perks for students receiving tertiary education in developed countries. However, unfortunately we don’t have enough tertiary education institutes in our country that can educate the youth and help them compete with the international standards.
Few institutes that have been trying to provide quality education to the masses are rather unfortunately treated badly by their rivals. This includes the recent Preston University fraud that was launched in order to deteriorate the growing success of the University. The Preston University scam was able to deteriorate the reputation of the university; however this fraud was quickly come to an end with the massive response by students and educational critics. It is believes that the malign scam will soon come to its natural death and that government agencies will take appropriate action to prevent such malign attempts in future.